Sunday, April 05, 2020

April 5th: Rant time

Ok, sorry folks, it's rant time. I've tried to avoid this, but I can't any longer.

I suspect many people will have seen stories over the last few days about people flouting the #stayathome guidance - this piece from Sky News pretty much sums it up, but equally illustrates some of the confusion that exists. Sure, just "going out" to laze about in the sun with your mates sunbathe on the beach, or gather anon any sort of group anywhere etc is not what going out for daily exercise means, but at the same time, going for a walk on your own (or with your family) is. So in the video at the top of that piece, the woman that was stopped by reporters surely - as she argued, just taking exercise on her own and keeping away from others. The man with the child who said  "'s all nonsense..."  needs to seriously look at himself. I've also read comments on Twitter from people saying they have neighbours who are having friends round for parties. But the problem is many people can't differentiate between what's the right thing to do (pretty much stay at home unless you HAVE to go out) and those who are using the 'guidance' to flout that principle. And as I've seen suggested today, they are going to be the first people to moan if the current lockdown is extended, or tightened. Personally I feel guilty every time I go through my front door, whether that's to go to the shops (twice in the last fortnight for me) or a short walk for exercise sake (about half a dozen times in the last fortnight, and my wife and I were given the eyes by someone on their drive today when we went for a short 20 minutes stroll.

If anyone needed any greater clarity about the gravity of the current situation, then the following graph published in the Financial Times showing that the UK's (and the US and Spanish) death tolls are higher relatively than Italy's should give them a wake up call. But it won't. Partly because the people that don't care don't read the FT (I don't but that's not because I don't care), but because they can't past the "I'm alright Jack" mentality. Maybe we should confront them (within social distancing rules) with all the health and service workers who are doing their utmost to save lives and keep the country running at this terrible time, or speak to someone who's lost a family member due to coronavirus. It IS hard to stay indoors and not go out (apart from a daily walk, if you must - and I do sometimes - on your own close to home). But it's better than being dead, or causing the death of someone else by your own selfishness and stupidity. This will end, and sooner rather than later if we all follow the rules now.
Rant over.

At the moment, the cat's got it better. Can go out when she pleases, gets fed twice a day and sleeps the rest of the time.

Stay safe: #stayhomesavelives

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