Mrs H conducted a successful early hours sortie to the shops this morning. Out of the house just after 6.30am and back around 8am fully laden. She said stock looked pretty decent apart from pasta and rice which we have enough of currently. She said it was also quieter than last week.
I normally have my hair cut every four weeks, or five at a push. As a child I had ridiculously unruly, curly hair and the by the time it was something I started to worry about (we're talking early/mid 70's here folks) the fashion was generally to keep it on the long side unless you were a skinhead. Long hair sort of went along with the baggy trousers ("Chelsea bags" I think they used to call them) and the platform shoes. My parents would have never let me get away with something too over the top, but my Mum just about let me get away with a pair similar to those shown below.
Platforms like this were tame by most standards |
Anyway, I digress. Over the years I've tended to have my hair cut shorter, and for the last who knows how long I've stuck to a standard number 4 all over with an occasional basic trim just to shake it up a bit. Having a number 4 every few weeks means that I start to get twitchy after about week three and I can't remember the last time I went more than 5 weeks without a cut. By my reckoning I'm now comfortably overdue being shorn, although it's still short by most people's standards. Unless I let one of my family loose on my with my son's beard trimmer it looks like I and most other in lockdown are going to be doubling up on our normal timetable for getting our locks cut. Given that I can't go out and have people laugh at my greying curly hair I think I'll brave it out, just to see what happens. And anyway, I don't trust anyone with a beard trimmer least of all my son!
And you think you're having a bad hair day? © Chester Wiker |
After a week or so of sparse cat news, the feline was back in full on action yesterday evening, bringing not one, but two R.A.T.'s in within the space of an a couple of hours. Fortunately both had gone to meet their ratty maker, so all that was required was a quick disposal. Clearly it was an hard work catching them though...
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