Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 29th: Quiet day and disturbing figures

On the personal from it's been a quiet day, painting followed by a 2 mile walk around Cadoxton with Mrs H to get some exercise. Not much else to report really. My photo today is from a path near to our house where hawthorn blossom was falling like snow. A colour photo doesn't do it justice, so I've put a black and white silver tone filter on it, which makes it much more dramatic.

Today's Government briefing on the coronavirus pandemic pointed to a "slightly worrying" upturn in the amount of traffic. Certainly from what I've seen on my (not always) daily walks and from what my wife is reporting from her trip to work, shopping and to care for her mother is most definitely an increase in traffic. It seems that the country is deciding it's time to ease the restrictions not the Government. However, given that the total number of deaths being reported is now in excess of 26,000 now that care home deaths are bing includes, 6,000 higher than the 20,000 that one of the earliest briefings suggested might have once been the "best case scenario", it's clear that we're far from out of the woods.  Stay at home people.

Until tomorrow....


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