Saturday, May 16, 2020

Woody Woodpecker

Bit late and a bit rushed to post today. Shortly I'm off to partake in the weekly family "virtual pub Quiz" I've mentioned before. Although broadcast on YouTube on a Thursday, it's our Saturday evening 8pm lockdown activity. Lately I've been coming off much worse, due to my sketchy ability to answer questions on TV and music. 3rd out of 4 the last three weeks which doesn't do much for my competitive nature. Mrs H and son taking the honours. Hopefully I'll do better this week.

Today has mostly been pottering in the garden and an almost 5 mile exercise walk around the golf course area. We saw both types of woodpecker - a Lesser Spotted (the black and white one with a red head) flew right across our path at one point - too quick to photograph. We say the green woodpecker as we left the golf course into the Cardiff & Vale crematorium grounds. He was about 40 yards away heaving a right feast on an ants nest by the side of the road. I didn't have my longest zoom, on, so the photos below are the best I could get at the extreme end before he got too nervous of me and flew away, with the second one cropped right in as much as I can before losing too much picture quality.

At max zoom
Cropped in
And also, here is a rather nice shot (I think so anyway) of a bluebell that I took in the woods close by.

Until tomorrow....


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