Friday, May 29, 2020

27 Years

27 years ago at 1.15pm  on this day I married the fabulous Mrs H (or Mrs B as she was then). We chose the end of May to get married as we thought the weather would be warm and sunny, and of course it rained!

It hasn't though dampened the last 27 years of our life together, which in many ways have passed by in a flash. Many of those who celebrated our happy day are no longer with us, but we also have many additions to the family who weren't with us then but of course now are, as the circle of life goes round and round.

It's been an brilliant 27 years when all said and done. I'm lucky to be married to such a wonderful, kind and loving person, and brilliant mother to our two now grown up children. She's someone who seems to bring out the best in everyone and I'm incredibly proud to be her husband. She is also amazingly tolerant of my occasional *cough* bouts of grumpiness (I put that down to my genes - thanks Dad, and watch out James), especially at this moment in time when lockdown is getting us all to a state of raging cabin fever. As well as reflecting on the past 27 years today, I'm looking forward to the future and spending the rest of my life with her.

Me and the wonderful Anne on our wedding day 29th May 1993
And 27 years later...

Until tomorrow....


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