Monday, May 25, 2020

Broken Britain

I'm angry. Still angry. I don't often get angry. Grumpy yes, angry no. The Dominic Cummings affair though has pushed me over the edge, and judging from what I'm reading, hearing and seeing, many, many others.

Will BJ and DC now see the anguish, hypocrisy and anger they have caused over this matter? They probably have (if even indirectly - they probably have lackeys to do that for them), but are choosing to ignore it. I'm not going to go on at length - there's enough information, analysis and opinionating out there to go around with lots to spare.

And now Boris tells "England" that non-essential retail will be opening from 15 June, whilst here in Wales we remain ostensibly in lockdown.

I give up.

Until tomorrow....


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