Today's update from Chez Stats. All fit and well here. My wife and I went for a walk which turned out to be about 2.5 miles according to my iPhone. Only locally (obviously), bit it's quite interesting what you see on foot that you never really take notice of because you're in a car or a hurry to get somewhere. It wasn't a particular "lovely" walk as we are on the edge of town here, but we did see some wildlife. An R.A.T. scuttled across some grass in from of us and then poked his head back out and watched us intently for a couple of minutes affording me time to take at the following picture (I usually have my camera with me - always my phone, but frequently one of several others I own). Here's Mr Rat - not everyone's cup of tea, but this was cute a cute shot.
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A local resident |
My daughter is still having work IT issues - or rather her work IT is having trouble getting her connected (she's not alone in this), so her working from home is very stop start - more stop than start currently. As I mentioned the other day, I think businesses will learn an awful lot about their business continuity procedures as a result of this situation.
Otherwise it's been a day in the garden, and a lot more achieved than I set out to do. Oh - I've also booked seats and updated our Advanced Passenger Information for our holiday to Greece in June, more in hope than expectation #nochance.
Yesterday evening, all those we were supposed to be in the Peak District with this week caught up on the face to face social network app Houseparty, although I was slightly concerned about the numbers of people reporting being hacked in various ways after installing it. It seems this is slightly incorrect, although as with any app, using strong and secure passwords is key. we'll see - we intend to have a catch up once a week for a "virtual drink".
Just catching up on other news - deaths attributable (in part at least) to coronavirus in the UK are at almost 1,800. Still way short of the predicted "best case" 20,000. A new "hospital", the Nightingale has been built (or rather an existing building re-purposed) in just under two weeks, a stupendous achievement. Some supermarkets are supposedly easing restrictions on purchases - note "easing"not removing. And in one of the more amusing stories coming out of coronavirus, goats appear to have taken over Llanduno in North Wales.
The cat's had a mixed day. My wife, daughter and I attempted one of Joe Wicks workouts on YouTube this morning. That sent the cat barmy and she was running around like someone had set fire to her tail whilst we were doing that. Then she came and sat watching me gardening - we both like being outside. The rest of the afternoon, she's crashed on a sunny bed upstairs.
That's all for now folks. Check in for another instalment of #socialdistancing fun tomorrow.