Saturday, October 14, 2023

Wilburys at the Memo

Last night Mrs H and I went to the Barry Memo - the local theatre/arts venue to see the Paul Hopkins' Roy Orbison and the Traveling Wilburys Experience (Facebook link) a tribute act to the fabulous Traveling Wilburys

Barry Memo is a bit dated inside, but still a worthy local community arts and theatre venue, and regularly hosts live music, films and theatre. An easy place to listen to live music, there's a handy bar and no restriction on taking your drinks into the theatre

The original Wilburys - George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and Roy Orbison were all represented by lookalike accomplished musicians who are now into their 7th year as this tribute experience. Not forgetting the less well known Jim Keltner on drums. The musicians are drawn from over the UK and had travelled down for the gig - I'm not sure how often they get to rehearse together, but they were very well drilled.

A mixture of original Wilbury tracks and individual performer songs (Blowin in the Wind for example by the Dylan member, Please Please Me from "George Harrison" and Mr Blue Sky from "Jeff Lynne" to name a few) were all very well received by the audience of mostly people the upper side of 50. Having said that, the Wilburys were formed in 1988, so 35 years ago when we were all a lot younger!!!!

There wasn't a massive audience, but the band were clearly delighted to be playing live music to appreciative ears - the photo below isn't a good one of the band (taken by their stage manager!) but shows the audience numbers and everyone enjoyed the show. A signed Fender Squier guitar was also raffled - sadly I didn't win.

Last night's show

All in all we had a very enjoyable evening - I'd recommend going to see them if you get a chance.

Twitter: @Statto1927 
Instagram/Threads: simon_hiscocks

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