Monday, February 28, 2022

Conflict in Ukraine

I feel that I must note something down about the current situation in Ukraine, with Russian forces invading this country in a clear act of war/aggression.  However, it'll be short - you can find more informed and better detail elsewhere. This is mostly a quick thought or two, and for something on my timeline to remember what's happening here.

It's unbelievable. It's 2022. Yet the Vladimir Putin, the leader of one of the biggest blocs in the world has taken it upon himself to invade Ukraine to the disbelief of all watching - and after saying he wouldn't. He's even gone so far as to put his forces on special nuclear alert telling western powers not to interfere. 

Western Europe is united in calling Putin out on this (although it feels that Britain's response is little more than virtue signalling, and frankly now we're out of Europe I wonder if anyone listens to Boris and his band of lackeys anyway - and as an aside, there are more and more reports of Russian money within those in government, but I digress).

I hope that this comes to diplomatic end soon.  The consequences of it not doing so could be catastrophic, and not just for Ukraine.

Twitter: @Statto1927 
Instagram: simon_hiscocks

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