Thursday, January 20, 2022

False dawn

Days like this are deceiving, especially for the occasional gardener. Christmas has come and gone. The winter solstice has passed and the days are (still relatively inperceptibly) drawing out. Looking around the garden there are stirrings of the new season. Daffodils are poking through the soil, snowdrops are out (at least in my garden). After what seems like weeks of rain we’ve had a couple of dry days, and today the sun is shining brightly, enough to warm your back a bit, and there’s barely a cloud in the sky. 
It all makes you want to proclaim that summer (or at the very least spring) is on the way, break out the shorts and flip flops (unless you’re one of those hardy fools that wears them all year anyway) and get out in the garden planting stuff and planning for those long lazy summer days. 
But it’s only January 20th. Things can and will turn in an instant for weeks if not months yet. It’s no time to be complacent. Patience is a virtue and the sensible option. There are things that can be done. Clearing and tidying some of the autumn/winter raggedy leavings. Don’t rush it, but enjoy the sun and dry days whilst we have them. 

Twitter: @Statto1927 
Instagram: simon_hiscocks

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