Well, lockdown is back at least in Wales For 17 days (at the moment). But we're not calling it that. It's a circuit break, or fire break or loo break or something like that. 2020 has been bloody horrific so far, and there's no sign it's going to get any better soon. The UK Government and devolved administrations seem to be playing off against each other to score points causing confusion, irritation and general disbelief at how uncoordinated they are in dealing with a global situation, and frankly, nothing's really working. Statistics are being cast about left, right and centre and pretty much every theory, approach, or proposed solution has an alternate viewpoint with social media and the media in general being cast along with those who supposedly govern us as the triumvirate of fuel to the fire.
Here's just some of the things that whatever happens, we'll remember 2020 for:
- Australian wildfires (nothing to do with coronavirus, unless you know different) but still pretty shit
- UK floods (as above)
- Coronavirus
- Covid-19
- Pandemic
- Herd immunity
- No PPE
- Wrong PPE
- Stay home
- Work from home
- Lockdown
- Government briefings
- Close the pubs
- Social distancing
- 2m or 1.5m or 1m (depending where in the world you live)
- R-number
- Toilet rolls
- Common sense
- Shielding
- Close the schools
- Covidiots
- No masks
- Next slide please
- Stay at home, Protect the NHS, Save lives
- Furlough
- Led by
donkeysscience - Bleach
- Masks
- Anti-maskers
- Conspiracy theorists/deniers
- Stay alert, Control the virus, Save lives
- Rule of 6
- Go back to work (but work from home if you can)
- Stay local
- Open the schools
- Eat out to help out
- Household bubbles
- Support bubbles
- Extended houselholds
- Hands, face, space
- Track and trace
- Test and trace
- £12bn track and trace down the drain
- Leaks
- Local lockdown
- Tier 1, 2 and 3
- Circuitbreak
- Firebreak
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