Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Shattered but relaxed

Been a busy day again at Center Parcs. Up with the lark for early activities (see previous post). After a skinny vanilla latte at Starbucks in the Jardin de Sports it was home for lunch.

Bethan and I had a short walk in the woods after eating looking at various wildlife (couldn't find the deer). Then it was off to the Plaza (dome) for some energetic swimming/flumes/rapids. Three hours worth of that, interspersed with more coffee and a good book, and it was tea time. We ate in the tapas restaurant and it was nice.

Great though CP is, one thing it ain't is cheap. Pretty much everything apart from the swimming costs, and though there's shedloads to do and eating out variety from burgers to a la carte, it comes at a price. But you pay your money and take your choice. We've been before so we know how it works. We're on holiday and enjoying it.

Tomorrow we're nipping out to Longleat Safari Park and gardens/park which is pretty much next door.
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