Hey, did you know the world's about to end?
According to every news site, news programme, newspaper (except the Sun and the Mirror where Big Brother and Guy & Madonna rule) we're having a bit of a sticky time at the moment. No really, we are.
Everything's gone pear shaped, and it's all doom and gloom - except for falling energy and fuels and food prices - if that's the result, bring it on I say. Hmmm.
Frankly I don't care. I know I should, but I don't.
- I don't have any shares.
- My pension's already taken a hit, but I don't expect I'll be retiring for at least another 10 years
- Our house has lost value, but we're not planning on selling it any time soon and if and when we do we'll probably be downsizing anyway
- Our endowments are performing like pants, but they're not due to mature until 2019
- We (luckily) have relatively safe, well paid jobs and enjoy a decent standard of living
I'm fed up of hearing jumped up journalists who normally get 20 seconds every 4 hours getting wall to wall air time and going all gooey and all excited because the FTSE has taken a "massive 1.6% drop in the first 3 minutes of trading", and then recovered by 0.000265 of a percent 3 minutes later. It doesn't mean anything to me, or I suspect 99% of the listening public.
Frankly, I'd like more football coverage. Blimey, even more coverage of Guy & Madge's split would be welcome. Hell, even Big Brother.....well, no, perhaps not that.
I've taken to listening to Radio 2 rather than the doom laden Radio 5 Live, or even in desperate moments (Terry Wogan's slot for example) BBC Radio Wales, where everything is so parochial you wouldn't know there's a world beyond the Severn Crossing.
Ho hum
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