I don't know where this year's gone. It's flown by. Doesn't seem that long since we were takingthe decorations down, and now it's nearly time to put them up again!
Are you one of those that just can't wait? The first "residential" Christmas lights I saw were on 26th November in a house not far from ours. Then on 1st December lights and trees started to spring up in houses all over the place. Now don't get me wrong, I like Christmas - I can even remember what it's all about - and despite what the marketeers would have us believe it's not about eating and drinking to excess and spending more than we can afford - but I baulk at putting up the decorations too early. However, neither am I one of those leave it to the last moment fellows, buying a knock down spindly tree on Christmas Eve (my kids would kill me!).
So, the exterior lights will probably be going up this weekend, and the tree the following weekend. But climate change has a lot to answer for. I was out in a t-shirt earlier on. Much as we know the season f goodwill is upon us (almost) it just doesn't feel like it. We need a good dose of cold, frosts, and dare I say it snow before it's really going to feel like Chrimbo. And no, my lights aren't like the picture....
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