We took the "scenic" route from Orlando down US 27. However, for scenic read slightly less bork than the Florida Turnpike or the interstate. 245 miles of mainly straight-ish dual carriageway interrupted by occasional traffic lights. It was either looking at golf cart sales lots, citrus groves or sugar cane fields.
We went through one huge downpours on the way, and despite heading towards Miami saw virtually no blue sky. 100% cloud all the way.
Driving in the US is pretty straightforward. With a decent sat nav it's a cinch. We eventually found our way to the hotel on Ocean Drive (yes, THE Ocean Drive).
Locked and loaded we went for a walk down the Drive past restaurants and bars frequented by all sorts, including a surprising number of women sporting Cuban cigars. A walk back down the beach saw thunder clouds threaten but we made it back to the hotel before the mother of all thunderstorms arrived - just!
We ate out at "The Big Pink", a themed diner type restaurant. Good value, good food, but again it has to be said, the American portions are ridiculous. On average I reckon at least 1/3rd oversized by the amount we left - and that's with no starters or desserts. Nice touches though. Anyone ordering alcohol automatically got a large glass of water as well, and customer service was as usual in the US exemplary. The UK could sure learn a thing or two here.
Back to the hotel, for a nightcap (or two), before retiring to a very comfy bed where I'm writing this. That me done though folks. Good night.
Photographic proof of our location! The kids...

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