In truth it was a largely scrappy game, with occasions of brilliance, but they were, very occasional. It had passion. Tempers flared on several occasions. It had a rubbish referee (take a bow Mr Salisbury).
It did have one sublime goal from Jay Bothroyd after a flowing City move in the second half, that seemed to have given City the points and pushed them to the top of the Championship, but in injury time, more defensive sloppiness allowed a Forest player to get to the ball first (again - as most of the match) and volley home.
City looked gutted, and so they should. They have enough skill in their ranks to comfortably beat sides like Forest, but today they looked they felt they could just sit off and let the opposition have the ball anywhere in the first two thirds of the pitch. Do that, especially with the way City defend, and you're asking for trouble.
2 points chucked away. If I was Dave Jones, I'd be tamping.
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