We went to Torquay last year too, and enjoyed it so much we decided to go back this year. I have to say it's a schizophrenic place. On Friday generally, and Saturday specifically, last year it was like Soddom and Gomorrah - I've never seen so many drunk (or trying to get drunk) young people in one place. Everywhere that remotely looked like it sold alcohol had enormous bouncers on the door who were all hooked up to each other via headsets more reminiscent of the FBI, and the volume in these places had to be hear to be believed - in fact you could have probably hear it 10 miles away.
On Sunday evening, the place was like a morgue.
Personally, I'm not one for loud "bars" and getting off my head - no really I'm not. I'm too old for that, can't cope with the inevitable hangover. I'd much rather sit in a quiet pub (fat chance in Torquay - 1) there are no proper pubs, and 2) they're most definitely not quiet). I long ago recognised that knowing your limits is the right thing to do, and have long since got to the point where I just sip my beer, watch everyone else getting rat arsed and politely troop off to bed at midnight or thereabouts. It's all good fun though. At least I'll be in a fit enough state to play cricket....
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