Friday, April 17, 2009


It's funny how some things pass you by. I've got a fairly eclectic taste in music, anything from Blondie, through Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, Seasick Steve, Fairport Convention, Kate Bush, traditional rock 'n roll, and a wide range of other material , electric stuff and even though I hate to admit it, recent Take That songs! Somehow though, I'd missed the Hooters, an American band that have been around in one form or another since the early 80's.

With a few exceptions, my taste has generally always been for what I call "proper bands" - ones that write their own material and play their own instruments, and especially those that do guitars and drums well.

Apart from a few of the aforementioned, most of whose material I have, I've always tended to buy albums on the basis of one track I've heard, and generally have got away with liking the rest of the album.

The other day I was driving home from work listening to Radio 2 when Simon Mayo, sitting in for Chris Evans opened the show with "Satellite" from this band. Within the first few bars I though "What a fantastic track" - it just makes you want to join in, play air guitar, sing along - a real get up and go song.

I duly downloaded the "One Way Home" album from Amazon onto my iPhone via iTunes, and listened with the headphones in and the sound up. It's a brilliant album. How I've managed to miss this band all these years I don't know. It mixes some decent rock with a folky twist - I'm not sure I'd go as far as calling them folk rock. Whatever, I love it.

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