Murray over at Palm-Mac, one of my daily visited blogs is having a bit of phone trouble.
He's always liked his gadgets, and a while back decided that the iPhone was the way forward. And for a few months it was. However, like most gadget warriors, there's always something around the corner. To be fair to him, he does say the iPhone is still his preferred device, but over the last few weeks he's also managed to get through an HTC Touch Pro, a Nokia E71, and has now taken delivery of a Nokia E66.
It'll be interesting to see how he gets on with the '66 - his first impressions are favourable, but they were with the '71 and that lasted all of a few days!
The problem that ordinary mortals like me & Murray (no offence mate) have is bigger players/websites (PDA 247, PalmAddicts for example) who get sent more kit to test than you can shake a stick at. We generally have to buy up front (messing around in a shop isn't real life testing), so if we do and we don't like it, we can't just send it back.
He also has his eyes, I know, on the new Treo Pro, and the hands on reviews of this will be starting to come out soon. Will he resist? Who knows?
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