I can play them back on a video deck via a VHS tap adapter but it's raw footage, never edited and frankly, how much longer will VHS videos be around?
I've always struggled though to find the right inclination, tool or time to take this fairly mammoth project on, so some off time with my leg has given me a real opportunity to look at this. Then, as if on cue, I got my regular Savastore offer email offering the "Dazzle Video Creator" for £21 GBP. Nothing gained I thought, though reading reviews and tales of people trying to convert analogue video using one of these things suggested I'd be in for a hard slog.
Install went easily - once I realised it wasn't going to work on my Vista desktop, and installed it to my XP desktop.
Only other slight blip was - no manual. But it has got a "wizard". That's OK once you've worked out which set of leads you need, as none came with the unit other than it's own USB lead. So, after hunting through boxes of assorted AV leads I eventually found the one I thought I needed. Plugged it in and hit "capture". Video yes, audio no. Quick swap of the leads (yellow for video, red for audio) and bingo. Captured perfectly, rendered perfectly and the bonus...?
The software is Pinnacle Studio 10 Quickstart - better than my currently installed v9 and just as simple to use. I'm really impressed with the quality of the burned DVD. For £21 this was an absolute bargain. Only another 20 or so tapes to do now....
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