Up until now I've always relied on the BBC Mobile Weather web site which I find very good.
However, I've also been keeping a weather eye (sorry) on a program called Weather (that's original) by Deluxeware
This is still in beta, so it's free and potentially unstable, although in use I've found it to be rock solid so far. It has a great graphical interface, and can also double up as the keyguard rather than the default Palm keyboard lock which makes things a bit more interesting when you rouse your device from it's slumbers.
You can select from a number of locations worldwide (it has my town of Barry in South Wales in the list so must be pretty exhaustive!), and you can either update the information manually on request or set it to update automatically every 15min, 30min, hourly, 6 hourly or 12 hourly
Forecast views include current, detailed 48 hours, or summary 7 or 14 day forecasts. The "current" display is quite comprehensive with:
- Name of location
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Textual summary (currently mine says "Scattered clouds: Nippy" so a bit humorous too!
- Wind direction and speed
- Humidity
- Dew point
- Visibility
I think this is a very neat app, and if you're evern remotely interested in checking weather on your Palm device I'd recommend you give it a try. As it's currently free, it's an absolute steal.
(I must also remember to find my registration key for Screenshot 5 which I used to snap this image, but which I've mislaid as I installed it originally on my Treo 680 a year or so ago...)
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