Monday, June 28, 2004

Great web sites

If you're a sucker for dodgy web sites, how about these two!
Heath Taverners Cricket Club is my cricket club's site. I need tell you no more than to have a rummage through this to assess how good (or bad) you think we are! is an even more dodgy site, paying homage to the skittles team I play for here in deepest South Wales. We're all Cardiff City fans to boot as well, and take both our skittles and our football very seriously - well, the football anyway!

A more cultured site is the Chepstow Male Voice Choir website, new this spring. I was asked to do this, 'cause my Dad sings in it! It's a little more refined than the other two sites.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Why "The Lentil"?

For those of you not familiar with the Hiscocks Family Newsletter (several billion of you I guess), the Family Newsletter started out under a range of alternative names - each issue had a different, witty (well it was supposed to be witty) title. Then, for some now lost reason, it evolved into "The Diddly", and remained so for a couple of years. However, on the birth of my youngest (currently) niece my nephew derived "The Lentil" from her given name, which is Eleanor Tilly. This seemmed rather clever for a (then) 9 year old, and as I was in mid issue production of the latest tome, I used it, and it stuck - so there you have it.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Disney Trip May 2004

You can read all about our recent trip to Disney World in Florida here too - the first link will take you to our trip report on the DIBB bulletin boards - please note you'll need to register with the DIBB first, but it's not too painful. The DIBB is also an invaluable resource for anyone planning a trip to Disney World in Florida.

The second link will take you to where you'll be able to see all our photos! (again you'll have to register first). Photobox is one of my favourite sites, and if you've got a digital camera, then bookmarking this site is a must.


Trip Report
Our Disney photos

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I'm doing this in my own time -honest!

Now I've set the time zone properly, you should be able to see that I'm doing this in my own time, and not at work!

England to beat Portugal?

Roonmania - come on Engerland!

Maybe - hopefully, tough after 24 years of living in Wales, being married to a Cardiff lass, and having two children that are Welsh, means that I suppose I'm as Welsh, if not more so than English....

Iechyd Da!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Lentil online?

Here's a thought - rather than going to the trouble of publishing an occasional family newsletter, why not put the whole damn thing online in a "Blog" (weblog). Selected invited individuals can post, it's here for eternity (or at least until the webfalls over) and to boot it's free (relatively).
What do you think?